Stories on how to make do and mend

How can we both ‘save money’ and ‘save the planet’?

The Vision Group for Sidmouth and Champions Awards social media pages have been carrying regular stories on how we might be able to do this.

The VGS has just started up its Sidmouth Cycling Campaign – which can be very much seen as part of ‘saving money and saving the planet’:

A campaign has been launched to encourage more cycling in the Sid Valley, to reduce car journeys and their environmental impact. Revived group aims to get more people cycling | Sidmouth Herald

The District Council’s climate officer has commented on the rise in food prices:

I believe there is a food crisis coming – there will of course still be food but it will be expensive. I would advise people to grow what they can, reduce their meat and dairy consumption and shun pre packaged food. This will hit the poorest hardest as ever. Do we need a modern day dig for victory campaign? We certainly need to be supporting our local growers and farmers. Its challenging times ahead. (20+) Facebook and Food and drink prices to rise higher, grocery forecaster warns | Harwich and Manningtree Standard

And the VGS has been sharing her comments across social media:

The Vision Group for Sidmouth would very much agree: grow your own, reduce food waste, buy local. The VGS Champions Awards 2023 all about encouraging us to ‘save money and save the planet’ through ‘make do and mend’. This can be a real win-win, even in these challenging times. Take a look here for ideas on projects and activities: Enter the Champions Awards 2023 – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards

There have also been lots of other similar stories of practical action this week which have been shared on VGS and Champions Award social media. For example:

Sidmouth vegan group: Environment campaigners promote benefits of plant-based diet | Sidmouth Herald

Community energy group: Join our Monthly Question Time — Power for People

Decarbonising efforts in Devon: COP27 and Devon – Vision Group for Sidmouth

A dedicated climate crisis information and resource centre is opening on 25 November in an empty Princesshay retail unit to provide events, meeting space, film screenings and drop-in advice and support. Climate Action Hub opens in Exeter city centre – Exeter Observer

Let’s insulate! “An emergency insulation plan to cut bills this winter” – Vision Group for Sidmouth

“How our energy consumption is bound up with who we are.” How British culture shapes how we generate carbon – Vision Group for Sidmouth

… a more anarchic, anti-establishment tack, is solarpunk, a movement of artistswriters, and DIY technologists focused on local solutions, decommodifying basic needs, and designing systems to give communities more control over clean energy, food, water, and other basics. Solarpunk stories: “stubborn hopefulness” – Sidmouth Solarpunk