Communities confront ‘Cost of Living’ crisis

Something inspiring from the latest newsletter from the Transition Network – the national group who sponsored last year’s Champions Awards:

Communities confront ‘Cost of Living’ crisis

What if we pull together to confront the ‘Cost of Living’ crisis rather than leaving people to face it alone? That’s the question we’ve been asking, and exploring what Transition groups and communities are already doing to respond to soaring UK energy prices. From community-owned renewables, to energy buying clubs, neighbourhood retrofitting projects to the tower block going all LED, there are many positive, practical steps to inspire your area!

Read our first instalment below, and help shape our follow-up articles focusing on how communities are redesigning local food systems as food prices also skyrocket, and why we need to build community resilience in the first place, so we are better connected and stronger when crises happen. Share what’s happening in your community at the button below.

Communities tackle cost of living

With loads more great ideas:

Set up a power station; retrofit a neighbourhood – Communities tackling the energy crisis – Transition Together