Here is the complete set of photos taken on the evening of 22nd October by Tony Spooner APRS, President of the Sidmouth Photographic Society.
Guests arrive at the welcome deskThe bar: ready to serveVGS Chair Peter Murphy awaitsGuests gatherThe panel: Chris Woodruff of the ED AONB, Cllr Chris Lockyear, Simon Jupp MP, Richard Eley of the Chamber, Peter Murphy of the VGSCllr Denise BickleyClaire Fegan, headtacher of Sidmouth Primary School, accepts the award from Cllr Chris Lockyear – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSKyle Baker, winner of the Resilience award, receives his certificate from Cllr Chris Lockyear, one of the judging panel. – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSRichard Eley, president of the Chamber of CommerceRon and Theresa Loynd, Woolbrook News, runners-up for Community award – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSPeter McGauley, a trustee of Sid Valley Help, accepts the Community award on behalf of winner Di Fuller, who was unable to attend the ceremony. – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSSylvia Brownlee presents the Highly Commended Award to Dr Sarah Hadfield and Emma Vigurs of the Sid Valley Practice, accepting it on behalf of the practice and volunteers – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPS Mary Sandifer and shop manager Debbie Channing of FillFull receive their award from judge Chris Woodruff – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSDenise Bickley of Sidmouth Plastic Warriors receives the Sustainability award from Chris Woodruff, one of the judging panel – Credit: Tony Spooner ARPSCllr Denise Bickley presents Thomas Franklin with a Special Mention Award Peter Murphy, chair of the Vision Group for Sidmouth, presents the Chairman’s Award to Frances Newth, president of Sidmouth Voluntary Services. Photo credit: Tony Spooner ARPS, President of Sidmouth Photographic SocietyThe evening ends…