How to enter or nominate for a Schools and Educational Organisation Award
Download the pdf of activity and project ideas here: What schools and other educational organisations can do to SAVE MONEY SAVE THE PLANET
Is your school or educational organisation – and are your students and colleagues – struggling in the current circumstances? Well, ‘make do and mend’ can not only help us all with our budgets – this idea can also help the environment!
Is your educational organisation doing something to ‘save money and save the planet’? Or do you know about a school or similar group which is doing something?
It could be any activity which makes a difference to both your pocket and the local environment – whether you do it as part of the school or group you belong to or you know about an organisation which is doing something.

If you’re thinking of entering your school or educational organisation for the Sustainable Sidmouth Awards 2023, or nominating anyone involved in such a group, there are lots of actions which can be undertaken to show how we can ‘MAKE DO AND MEND’!
See this page for ideas: Schools and educational organisations Award: activity & project ideas – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards
You can enter your school or educational organisation – or nominate another such group here: Enter the Champions Awards 2023 – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards
The judging criteria for the Citizen’s Award 2023 are:
- The activity must have taken place from January 2022 and can still be ongoing.
- There must be some sort of impact from the activity, with clear results and a real difference made.
The Terms & Conditions are here: Champions Awards 2023: terms & conditions – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards