What schools and other educational organisations can do to ‘SAVE MONEY: SAVE THE PLANET’
If you’re thinking of entering your class for the Sustainable Sidmouth Awards 2023, or nominating an organisation involved in education, there are lots of activities and projects which can be undertaken to show how we can ‘MAKE DO AND MEND’!
The cornerstone of the UK government’s Environment and Climate Change Bill is the obligation state bodies to commit to a carbon neutral future – including schools.
Here’s a very encouraging and practical place to go to help make that happen:
Remember: sustainability is within your reach.
Think about it and give these tips serious consideration:

1. Active environmental learning… 2. Recycling as a craft exercise…
3. Classroom composting… 4. Re-using paper… 5. Using sustainable IT
6. Starting a school gardening project… 7. Energy efficiency
8. Advocating zero waste at school events…
9. Using environmentally friendly cleaning products… 10. Encouraging walking to school
10 Great Ways To Make Your School More Sustainable – Circular Computing
Here’s a great list from New South Wales, Australia, which could easily applied here – or even get the class or group to see how they could adapt these ideas to South West England!

Take a vote to find out which of these key issues fires people up the most.
Once you have identified the most popular issues, click on the links for some suggested project descriptions…
Project ideas | Sustainable Schools NSW
With a few more great resources here:
UK Climate Change • Let’s Go Zero
SCHOOLS PACK: RESOURCES – Together For Our Planet
65 Best Sustainable Schools ideas | sustainable schools, earth day activities