Champions Awards judges keen to hear about green projects

The latest Herald covered the appointment of the six-member panel of judges for the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards:

Judges appointed for 2023 Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards | Sidmouth Herald

Here’s the full press release:

Champions Awards judges panel announced

How are you managing to save money and at the same time help save the environment? And how are you managing to ‘make do and mend’ in these difficult times?

The judges for the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards 2023 would be very interested to hear if you have any projects or activities planned or underway.

  • Whether it’s saving energy or saving food from getting wasted, whether it’s grow-your-own or do-it-yourself – these are all positive, practical ways to help us sustain ourselves and the planet.

Launched earlier this month by the Vision Group for Sidmouth, the VGS chair Ian Gregory says, “the Champions Awards are all about recognising the amazing people, organisations and businesses who are making a real difference to the Sid Valley.”

“The Champions Awards are about acknowledging those who are acting to promote and improve the sustainability and resilience of the community.”

And the job of recognising these efforts will be taken on by a panel of six judges – twice that of the 2021 Awards.

The 2021 Champions Awards ceremony at Kennaway House: Judge Chris Woodruff, Judge Chris Lockyear, Simon Jupp MP, Chamber chair Richard Eley, VGS chair Peter Murphy (photo: Tony Spooner ARPS)

Ian is very positive about the line-up: “The Vision Group for Sidmouth is delighted that representatives of our local community, business life and key institutions have taken on the challenge of judging the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards 2023.”

“It was fantastic to have the three judges from 2021 to agree to rejoin the panel. And we were really pleased that they could be joined by three more, to reflect the broad sweep of the 2023 Champions Awards.”

The judges panel has just been announced – and they do indeed reflect the full range of life in the community.

  • The members of the panel are Denise Bickley, Sylvia Brownlee, Eleanor Carr, Brian Golding, Chris Lockyear and Chris Woodruff.

The VGS chair Ian Gregory says: “I would like to thank all the members of the judges panel for volunteering their time and experience to help make the Champions Awards 2023 happen – and to help recognise the huge efforts being made across the Sid Valley.”

To enter or nominate a project or activity that is already underway or planned by an individual or an organisation, go to Enter the Champions Awards 2023 – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards


Denise Bickley:

Denise works as an administrative assistant at the Sidmouth Primary School – itself a recipient of the Champions Award 2021 for resilience. She is a passionate advocate and activist, and is founder and chair of the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors.

Sylvia Brownlee:

Sylvia is the former, long-standing secretary of the Sidmouth Chamber of Commerce. She is the author of ‘Sampson’s Sidmouth’ and founder of the Sampson Society. Having enjoyed many years as a Brown Owl and Ranger Leader, Sylvia is proposed for election as Chairman of The Sidmouth Trefoil Guild (Guiding for Adults) from January 2023

Eleanor Carr:

Eleanor is the businesswoman behind East Devon’s street food markets, Unique Boutique Events. She is particularly interested in social impact.

Prof Brian Golding OBE:

Brian works at the Met Office, leading an international project to improve weather warnings. He is also chair of the SVA’s History Group and authored the original Vision Group for Sidmouth Report in 2005.

Chris Lockyear:

Chris has a background in the energy industry and is currently the chair of the programme cttee of the Science Festival. He is chair of the Town Council and is also a governor of Sidmouth College.

Chris Woodruff:

Chris has been manager of the East Devon AONB since 2002. He has considerable experience in countryside management and rural development. Chris is currently chair of The Pebblebed Heath NNR Board and Trustee for Deepway Meadow Millennium Green in Sidbury.

Meet the Panel of Judges – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards