Sidmouth College is up to lots when it comes to thinking and doing for the environment.

For example, this Spring’s Student Herald gives some good practical tips:
There are loads of energy saving tips out there and as well as cutting down on your bills, these tips can have a really positive impact on the environment. By wasting energy, more energy has to be produced and this results in an increased burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which can cause global warming. Even remembering to turn the light off in an unused room can make a difference to our planet and save you £25 a year!
Heating can use up an enormous amount of power and even reducing the temperature of your home by 1℃ can make a huge difference! You could save 10% on your energy bill just by keeping it 1 degree lower and if everyone did this, the UK would save 1.18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide!
The official February newsletter gives the latest on the Allotment project – plus photos!
This term Miss Flynn and members of the Science Department have been busy working in the Sidmouth College grounds including the allotment, orchard and lower field. The allotment area includes a large greenhouse, polytunnel and raised beds which were in need of repair and restoration.
The allotment is looking great so far and we are excited to get it up and running as a working garden, with the long term goal to grow and supply food for the Sid Valley Foodbank. In other areas, Year 10 students volunteered to help the Sidmouth Arboretum plant hedgerow along the pathways entering the College, and in the Orchard Mrs Ritchie has been collecting apples to donate to the food bank.
The College definitely has a strong ‘community feel’:
Sidmouth College keeps ‘Good’ Ofsted rating | Local News | News | Sidmouth Nub News
And a key interest in the environment:
Our science curriculum will develop curiosity and nurture interest in our shared environment