Showcasing sustainable businesses: Ganesha

Ganesha Wholefoods has been in Sidmouth for a long time – offering a whole range of health foods: Ganesha Wholefoods – Sidmouth – Wholefoods Store

Back in 2021, Ganesha was nominated for a Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Award: The Champions Awards 2021: the full and final list – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards

The shop offers it products in pretty ‘sustainable ways’:

Wood Pulp Packaging: Suitable for home composting... Bulk wholefoodsBring-your-own bottle to fill up cleaning liquids Wholefood Shop –

“Need washing liquid or fabric softener? Ganesha do refills of Ecover so just take your old bottle along.” Nine-year-old challenges town to follow his lead | Sidmouth Herald

“I love using the refill shops in Sidmouth. I save and recycle all my shampoo and shower containers as well as refilling my liquid detergent and fabric conditioner containers. You can also get refills for some items at Ganesha.” Cut your living costs and help the planet: sustainable ways to save money | Sidmouth Herald

This is from an inspiring interview with the founder of the business:

I see Ganesha continuing to thrive and grow. Devon is a health-conscious county and people are increasingly aware and keen to try new things...

I thoroughly enjoy the pressure of keeping the business up to its traditional high standards and moving forward in positive ways. I would say to anyone thinking of starting up independently: believe in what you are doing.

Independents’ Day – Ganesha Wholefoods | Midweek Herald
