Rhubarb and Runner Beans: an Exmouth sustainable champion

There is a fabulous example of sustainable living just down the coast – where lives Exmouth’s eco-friendly-living blogger.

She has a lot to share. And so, Sarah Allen of Exmouth suggests… we buy less stuff! and that we reuse stuff! That is, she asks by example: Do we need so much stuff?!

This is the Rhubarb and Runner Beans project – with an excellent and very active Facebook page.

Sarah is never hectoring or lecturing – but really is trying to live what she believes in:

Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m on an adventure towards a more eco-friendly way of living and a gentler more respectful way of interacting with children. I’m glad you are here to join me!

And she quotes: 

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

You can also become a member and Support People to Live Sustainably.

And you can read Sarah’s blog – for example:

photo credit: Sarah Allen

A Monday morning beach walk and lessons to learn from this season.