Champions Awards – who are you going to nominate?

From the Herald: Two weeks to go to close of nominations Launched earlier in the summer, there are now only two weeks to go before the final closing date for nominations for the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards. Set up by the Vision Group for Sidmouth, together with partners the Plastic Warriors, the Town Council and… Continue reading Champions Awards – who are you going to nominate?

What is ‘resilience’?

From the Herald: Awards to celebrate resilience shown in the face of adversity Peter Murphy, chair of the Vision Group for Sidmouth, writes for the Herald: Let’s face it. 12 months of lockdown was tough, dreary, and boring amongst other things. And so it was with spring then upon us, the prospects of easing restrictions on… Continue reading What is ‘resilience’?

“We will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.”

From the Herald: Thank you to the Volunteers – Sidmouth needs you! Denise Bickley, chair of the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors and Surfers Against Sewage representative, writes for the Herald: “If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than… Continue reading “We will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.”

“Scores of nominations come in for town’s Champion Awards”

From the Herald: The Vision Group for Sidmouth’s ‘Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards’ for 2021 are well under way. Launched in June this year, scores of nominations have been received proposing all manner of groups, businesses and individuals for an award which recognises the good work that was done over the last year. There are three… Continue reading “Scores of nominations come in for town’s Champion Awards”

Who are Sidmouth’s “green champions”?

The Vision Group for Sidmouth’s “Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards” for 2021 are well under way. Launched last month, scores of nominations have come in proposing all manner of groups, businesses and individuals for an award which recognises the good work being done over the last year. There are three categories for the Champion Awards –… Continue reading Who are Sidmouth’s “green champions”?

Pulling Through Lockdown

With thanks to the Town Council for publicising the Awards: Recognising great things have been happening over the last year in the Sid Valley, who do you think deserves recognition for the extraordinary efforts they have made this year? We want you to nominate an individual, group or business for a Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Award… Continue reading Pulling Through Lockdown

What is ‘sustainability’?

Finding a definition… Defining ‘sustainability’ is not straightforward – especially as it’s often confused with ‘sustainable development’: The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World Commission on Environment and Development: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”… Continue reading What is ‘sustainability’?

What is ‘community’?

These news pages have looked at how people around the country are being recognised for the good things they have done for their communities these last months: Community awards in pandemic times – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards In the Sid Valley, there have been many examples from just the last couple of weeks – all… Continue reading What is ‘community’?