To quote from the homepage of the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards website: “The Awards 2021 started with an inspired idea – and went on to a packed awards ceremony.”

As for this year: “The proposal is to make the Champions Awards 2022 about the positive things people have taught and learnt – whether it’s offering or taking up opportunities to learn.”
The Herald took this up back in April, with a piece looking at the possibility of holding the Awards:
‘Education for sustainability’ looks likely to be the focus for this year’s Vision Group for Sidmouth Champions Awards. This year the proposal is for the awards to shine a light on educators and learners who have been looking to the future beyond the pandemic, exploring better ways to live and building hope.
With high levels of concern about the climate emergency, there would be a particular focus on sustainability initiatives, such as the Sidmouth Repair Café and the town council’s infra-red camera project, showing people the carbon footprint of their homes.
There will also be a recognition of the schools and other organisations that have encouraged young people to take an interest in nature and the planet, and participate in environmental projects.
Anyone who would like to know more about the VGS Champions Awards 2022 can contact the team via
Vision Group for Sidmouth to hold Champions Awards 2022 | Sidmouth Herald
As the Herald says, if you’d be interested in getting involved in the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards this year or next, get in touch with the VGS.