Councils going green and cutting costs: the Circular Economy

How’s about one of the local councils being up for a Champions Award? Enter the Champions Awards 2023 – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards

Not sure which category, but councils are trying to be more sustainable – whilst cutting costs: Groups and Organisations Award 2023 – Sustainable Sidmouth Champion Awards

The news from London today is that councils can indeed do both:

A circular economy will help councils facing new cuts

Initiatives to tackle the climate crisis might not seem a priority, with the budgetary focus being on essential services. But what if green measures were a good way to both save money and rejuvenate the economy?

At ReLondon – a partnership between the mayor of London and the London boroughs – we believe moving to a low carbon circular economy is one way towns and cities can help tackle their current socio-economic problems…

These well-paid, accessible new jobs would be driven by the waste sector continuing to collaborate with businesses and local authorities to recirculate over a million tonnes of material. They would also be created by the provision of refill and repair services, as well as scaling new business approaches like sharing, renting or leasing products instead of buying them new – like children’s clothing rental services or electric car subscriptions.

A circular economy can also help households build longer-term resilience against spiraling costs by helping them make more out of the stuff they already own. It also provides residents access to resale and sharing platforms or rental businesses like the Library of Things.

A circular economy will help councils facing new cuts | Local Government Chronicle (LGC)

Report – The circular economy at work: Jobs and skills for London’s low carbon future – ReLondon