What each of us can do to ‘SAVE MONEY: SAVE THE PLANET’
If you’re thinking of entering yourself or nominating another individual for the Sustainable Sidmouth Awards 2023, there are lots of activities and projects you can do to ‘MAKE DO AND MEND’!
Let’s start at the beginning…
If you’re a parent – what can you do to live green on the cheap?
Here are some great tips – from caring for baby to working with teenagers on the issues:
Save money, save the planet | Parent Club
And there’s looking after the household too:
With the rising cost of living, most of us are looking for ways to reduce our bills.
Here are 100 tips on greener ways to save money – from cooking and cleaning to travel and shopping habits – and even a few ways for getting paid to be eco-friendly.
Even if you pick a handful of these tips, a household of four could easily save upwards of £100 a month and have a hugely positive impact on the environment.
Green Guide to Saving Money and the Planet – Everyday Green (now part of Green Tulip)
Looking after your family and the planet can also revive some lost skills:
MAKE DO AND MEND may seem like an old-fashioned concept, but it is a mindset that will come and handy…
Grow your own veg… Make your own cleaning & beauty products… Learn to sew
Money-saving hacks at home: How to make do and mend |

It’s very much about choices about how we want to live:
But we’re forgetting the more important and impactful things we can do totally for free, or for very little cost at all. Things like raising awareness, voting, activism, learning and simply refusing to buy something in the first place.
How to Save the Planet…On A Budget — madeleine olivia
Of course, it really helps to work with our neighbours:
Being a Good Green Neighbor –
What can community groups do to help achieve One Planet Living? – Bioregional