The churches of the Sid Valley are doing a huge amount of work to inform parishioners and the wider community about green issues – in particular climate change.
Back in 2019, a whole series of events were held at the different churches:
Our Fragile Earth: ‘fantastic response’ to church-led talks – Vision Group for Sidmouth
And at last year’s Science Festival, the churches were again at the centre of informing and debate:
Sidmouth Climate Day – Vision Group for Sidmouth
Last year Christian Aid teamed up with Sidmouth churches to send messages to Cornwall:
Sidmouth sends wave of hope to G7 world leaders in Cornwall
The Sid Valley churches have a page full of information and articles on ‘our fragile earth’:
Our Fragile Earth – Sid Valley Mission Community
All Saints’ Church has a website dedicated to ‘Our Fragile Earth’, including videos and guides on how to engage people in the issues:
Our Fragile Earth 2 – All Saints Sidmouth
This spring, the Creation Care Group from All Saints’ Church put on a further seminar:
Sidmouth church to host climate change seminar | Sidmouth Herald
The ‘Change for Good’ event last month was organised by Sidmouth’s churches – but has had to be postponed:
Local MP to attend climate change event in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald
Change for Good – Sidmouth – Visit Sidmouth
And all these excellent efforts are very much about ‘education for sustainability, education for hope’!